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Equilibrar energías: Servicios

Head Massage

Way inside

Head Massage, shoulders, neck and face, based on the Hindu tradition . creating a deep sense of inner peace and tranquility, it increases the ability to concentrate and strengthens the hair.

There are times when we find ourselves tired, without energy. There is an imbalance between mind and body.


Chi foot chiro massage is perfect for rebalancing your "Chi" or "Qi" energy. This term of Chinese origin means vital energy or essential vital force that animates all life forms in the universe.


Ko-bido or the way to beauty is a word of Japanese origin and the massage received by the women of the Japanese court was thus called. It is characterized by improving oxygenation, regeneration of the facial skin . Apart from the physical benefits it produces, it also acts at the energy level.

The cranial chiromassage is an energetic and intense massage that helps to relax the tissues from the shoulders to the scalp. You will feel a deep sense of inner peace .


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